Saturday 28 June 2014

_spPageContextInfo javascript/jquery variable in sharepoint 2013


_spPageContextInfo variable provides few properties which will be useful in JavaScript and client object

model code.

_spPageContextInfo is a JavaScript/jquery context variable, which will rendered for each SharePoint page.

_spPageContextInfo holds few proprieties which will be useful in JavaScript/jquery and client object

model code. If you want to know the properties of _spPageContextInfo, go to view page source and find

text with "_spPageContextInfo".

When It will be useful:

• When we are making any ajax calls, we might need the server URL dynamically. In this case we can

use _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl property.

• If you want to know the current SharePoint List GUID, use _spPageContextInfo.pageListId.

• Even it has more properties also(which are self explanatory). We can use them according to the


Sample Code:


 beforeSend: function (request) {

request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json;odata=verbose;charset=utf-8");


 url: _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl +"/_api/search/query?

querytext='" + request.term + "*'&sourceid='b09a7990-05ea-4af9-81ef-


 dataType: "json",

 success: function (data) {


function (item) {

 return {

 fields: getFields(item.Cells.results)




 error: function (data) {

 alert('search error');



_spPageContextInfo Object Properties found for SharePoint 2013 application:

• alertsEnabled: false

• allowSilverlightPrompt :"True"

• clientServerTimeDelta :-8980

• crossDomainPhotosEnabled: false

• currentCultureName: "en-US"

• currentLanguage: 1033

• currentUICultureName: "en-US"

• layoutsUrl: "_layouts/15"

• pageListId:  "{df5e2d45-ad0b-4608-a813-ded6a97511db}"

• pagePersonalizationScope:  1

• serverRequestPath:  "/sites/ SharepointSite /Lists/ custom/ custom.aspx"

• siteAbsoluteUrl: "http://svr:2525/sites/ SharepointSite "

• siteClientTag: "0$$15.0.4433.1506"

• siteServerRelativeUrl; "/sites/ SharepointSite "

• systemUserKey: "i:0).w|s-1-5-21-2086049...90378103-3194450012-500"

• tenantAppVersion: "0"

• userId: 1

• webAbsoluteUrl: "http:// svr:2525/sites /sites/SharepointSite"

• webLanguage: 1033

• webLogoUrl:"_layouts/15/images/siteicon.png"

• webPermMasks: Object { High=2147483647, Low=4294967295}

• webServerRelativeUrl: "/sites/ SharepointSite "

• webTemplate: "1"

• webTitle : " SharepointSite "

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