Saturday 5 July 2014

SharePoint URL Quick List

SharePoint URL Quick List, Shortcut SharePoint Pages,URL's, URL’s to access the SharePoint Pages.

This article provides some useful shortcuts to help you with SharePoint.

The following is a list of SharePoint URLs to get to commonly used administrative functions on a SharePoint site. The majority of the URLs require administrator permissions on the site and a few require administrator permissions on the SharePoint server. This is a quick list for a speedy reference as compared to tracking down links through the admin screens. 
Users and Permissions:
People and Groups: _layouts/people.aspx>
Site Collection Admins: _layouts/mngsiteadmin.aspx
Advanced Permissions: _layouts/user.aspx
Master Pages: _Layouts/ChangeSiteMasterPage.aspx

Look and Feel:
Title, Desc, and Icon: _layouts/prjsetng.aspx
Navigation: _layouts/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx
Page Layout and Ste Templates: _Layouts/AreaTemplateSettings.aspx
Welcome Page: _Layouts/AreaWelcomePage.aspx
Tree View: _layouts/navoptions.aspx
Top Nav Bar: _layouts/topnav.aspx
Site Theme: _layouts/themeweb.aspx
Reset to Site Definition: _layouts/reghost.aspx
Searchable Columns: _Layouts/NoCrawlSettings.aspx
Site Content Types: _layouts/mngctype.aspx

Site Columns: _layouts/mngfield.aspx
Site Templates: _catalogs/wt/Forms/Common.aspx
List Templates: _catalogs/lt/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Web Parts: _catalogs/wp/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Workflows: _layouts/wrkmng.aspx
Master Pages and Page Layouts: _catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Regoinal Settings: _layouts/regionalsetng.aspx

Site Administration
Site Libraries and Lists: _layouts/mcontent.aspx
Site Usage Report: _layouts/usageDetails.aspx
User Alerts: _layouts/sitesubs.aspx
RSS: _layouts/siterss.aspx
Search Visibility: _layouts/srchvis.aspx
Sites and Workspaces: _layouts/mngsubwebs.aspx
Site Features: _layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx
Delete This Site: _layouts/deleteweb.aspx
Site Output Cache: _Layouts/areacachesettings.aspx
Content and Structure: _Layouts/sitemanager.aspx
Content and Structure Logs: _Layouts/SiteManager.aspx?lro=all
Search Settings: _layouts/enhancedSearch.aspx

Site Collection Administration
Search Scopes: _layouts/viewscopes.aspx?mode=site
Search Keywords: _layouts/listkeywords.aspx
Recycle Bin: _layouts/AdminRecycleBin.aspx
Site Collection Features: _layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site
Site Hierachy: _layouts/vsubwebs.aspx
Portal Site Connection: _layouts/portal.aspx
Site Collection Audit Settings: _layouts/AuditSettings.aspx
Site Collection Policies: _layouts/Policylist.aspx
Site Collection Cache Profiles: Cache%20Profiles/AllItems.aspx
Site Collection Output Cache: _Layouts/sitecachesettings.aspx
Site Collection Object Cache: _Layouts/objectcachesettings.aspx
Variations: _Layouts/VariationSettings.aspx
Variation Labels: _Layouts/VariationLabels.aspx
Translatable Columns: _Layouts/TranslatableSettings.aspx
Variation Logs: _Layouts/VariationLogs.aspx
Site Settings: _layouts/settings.aspx

FunctionAdd to the URLNotes
Add Web Parts Pane?ToolPaneView=2Add to the end of the page URL; will only work if the page is already checked out
Create list in a different portal area/_layouts/new.aspx?
When you save a template in a portal area and try to create a new list in a different portal area, the template will not show on the Create page. Use this URL to force it to show.
Documents and Lists/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx 
List Template Gallery/_catalogs/lt 
Manage Audiences/_layouts/Audience_Main.aspx 
Manage Cross Site Groups/_layouts/mygrps.aspx 
Manage List Template Gallery/_catalogs/lt/Forms/AllItems.aspx 
Manage My Alerts/_layouts/MySubs.aspx 
Manage People/_layouts/people.aspx 
Manage Site Collection Administrators/_layouts/mngsiteadmin.aspx 
Manage Site Collection Users/_layouts/siteusrs.aspxTo access you must be an admin on the server or a site collection admin for the site.
Manage Site Groups/_layouts/role.aspx 
Manage Site Template Gallery/_catalogs/wt/Forms/AllItems.aspx 
Manage Site Template Gallery/_catalogs/wt/Forms/Common.aspx 
Manage Sites and Workspaces/_layouts/mngsubwebs.aspx 
Manage User Alerts/_layouts/AlertsAdmin.aspx 
Manage User Alerts/_layouts/SiteSubs.aspx 
Manage User Permissions/_layouts/user.aspx 
Manage Web Part Gallery/_catalogs/wp/Forms/AllItems.aspx 
Master Page Gallery/_catalogs/masterpageAlso includes Page Layouts
Modify Navigation/_layouts/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx 
Recycle Bin/_layouts/AdminRecycleBin.aspx 
Save as site template/_layouts/savetmpl.aspx 
Site Column Gallery/_layouts/mngfield.aspx 
Site Content and Structure Manager/_layouts/sitemanager.aspx 
Site Content Types/_layouts/mngctype.aspx 
Site Settings/_layouts/settings.aspx 
Site Settings/_layouts/default.aspx 
Site Template Gallery/_catalogs/wt 
Site Theme/_layouts/themeweb.aspx 
Site usage details/_layouts/UsageDetails.aspx 
Site Usage Summary/_layouts/SpUsageWeb.aspx 
Site Usage Summary/_layouts/Usage.aspx 
Sites Registry/SiteDirectory/Lists/Sites/Summary.aspx 
Top-level Site Administration/_layouts/webadmin.aspx 
User Information/_layouts/userinfo.aspx 
Web Part Gallery/_catalogs/wp 
Web Part Page Maintenance?contents=1Add to the end of the page URL

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