Saturday, 1 August 2020

SharePoint 2013 And "In-List" Find/Searches


In this article, we will explore how SharePoint 2013 natively provide the ability to find content within the current list.


Created a custom list called “Divisions” and you can see the search box here that allows me to find or search for a specific Division within the list. This prevents me from doing an actual “search” using the site search box and receiving all results related to one division from the entire search index.

Find item


However, this functionality is not available in every list type. In fact, there are four list types that do not allow this natively. For your reference, here are all of the list types broken down by those that do and do not allow in-list finding /searching.

Allow in-list finding /searching

  1. Announcements List
  2. Calendar List (“All Events” view)
  3. Contacts List
  4. Content and Structure Reports List
  5. Custom List
  6. Document Library
  7. Forms Library
  8. Issue Tracking List
  9. Links List
  10. Picture Library
  11. Promoted Links List (“All Promoted Links” view)
  12. Reusable Content List
  13. Site Assets Library
  14. Site Collection Documents Library
  15. Site Collection Images Library
  16. Site Pages Library
  17. Style Library
  18. Tasks List
  19. Workflow Tasks List

Do not allow in-list finding /searching

  1. Discussion Board List
  2. MicroFeed List
  3. Survey List
  4. Wiki Pages Library

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